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Why the Ohaus Ranger 7000 is the Best Choice for Weighing Batches of Cannabis

Why the Ohaus Ranger 7000 is the Best Choice for Weighing Batches of Cannabis

Posted by Seth V on Jun 17th 2020

If you're operating a business in the cannabis industry, it can be rather difficult to find scales of the, high precision, high capacity variety while also featuring a large weighing surface.  OHAUS scales have a well-earned reputation for quality and reliability, and they've stepped up to the plate to fill this need nicely with the  Ranger 7000. With its durable design and multitude of built-in functions, the Ranger 7000 fits perfectly in many industrial or laborator
What is the Difference Between a Traceable Calibration and a Place-in-Service Test?

What is the Difference Between a Traceable Calibration and a Place-in-Service Test?

Posted by Seth V on Mar 10th 2020

Scales Plus offers NIST traceable calibration reports for a majority of our scales and balances. One common question that comes up frequently from our customers: "Do I need a traceable calibration report?" The answer to this question as with most things, is 'it depends'.. From internal quality systems to legal for trade applications, the answer can get murky. The goal of this post is to explain what a NIST traceable calibration report is, who needs a calibration report, what a 'place i

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